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Domino – Think Two Moves Ahead

Domino is a gender-neutral name that reminds its bearer of the classic game of dominoes—or as the Latin dominus means, “lord” or “master.” This name has a strong sense of cause and effect, encouraging its owner to think two moves ahead. Whether in business, military service, or family life, a domino always knows that one small event can trippingly set off a chain reaction with far-reaching consequences.

Dominoes are flat, thumb-sized blocks of wood or other material with from one to six pips or dots. A complete set of dominoes consists of 28 such pieces. A person can play a variety of games with them by laying them down in lines or angular patterns and then knocking them over.

In some games, the pieces are marked with pips that represent the results of throwing two six-sided dice; other marks may indicate a blank or a combination of numbers. Each player takes a turn playing one domino on the table, positioning it so that its end touches either an opposing piece or the edge of the table. The ends of the dominoes that touch each other form a chain called a “domino line.” When all players have played their turn, the remaining pieces are collected in the center of the table, which is also known as the boneyard or stock. The winner is the player with the fewest pips remaining on his or her dominoes.

While many people enjoy just setting up a series of dominoes and watching them topple, others are much more artistic in their creations. For example, the YouTube channel Hevesh5, whose YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers, creates spectacular domino reactions and sets for movies, TV shows, and even pop stars.

Other types of domino sets include ones made of stone (e.g., marble, granite, soapstone); other types of wood, including a variety of hardwoods such as hickory and maple; or ebony. Some sets feature a top thickness of silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl, or MOP), ivory, or bone with a lower half made of dark hardwood such as ebony.

Domino can be a difficult name for a man or woman because it can sound like the word “dominant,” which implies an unchallenged leader. This can be a problem in the workplace where people who take charge are often perceived as intimidating or overbearing. It can also be a problem in the military, where the dominant personality is sometimes perceived as being more powerful than subordinates.

In some cases, a domino effect can be dangerous. For example, in hospitals, when a patient goes to the doctor with one infection and then gets another, this can lead to what is known as a nosocomial infection—an infection acquired in the hospital, often from the same medical professional. This can result in more serious infections or even death. This type of situation is usually the result of a healthcare professional not properly cleaning or washing their hands after touching an infected patient.